An exploration of Sensory Spaces and Physiological Architecture.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WEEK FIVE: Howard Smith Wharves Section

After analysing the site, Hannah has drawn our measurements up on CAD to portray a more precise and accurate drawing. She found we are still lacking some important measurements. We will have to do another site visit soon to collect the remaining details.


Scale 1:20



Hannah's Blog can be viewed at:

Saturday, March 27, 2010

WEEK FIVE: An Opening For Dr. Caligari

During Week 5 students are required to design a Sectional and Plan view of an opening for Dr. Caligari. As this is a group activity, Hannah and myself developed our ideas during the studio class.
We decided to create a series of openings which serve as windows, skylights, and drawbridges intended to link pathways between rooms.
The following images featured in the Studio Lecture have influenced aspects of our design.

Villa Savoye, Poissy
Le Corbusier

Notre Dame Du Haut, Ronchamp
Le Corbusier

Store Front For Art and Architecture
Steven Holl


The drawings have both been done to a scale of 1:20. They have been influenced by a combination of our previous works on 'A Room For Doctor Calligari'. The drawings are intended to create a similar spacial effect portrayed through aspects of both our designs.

I have drawn the Section using a variety of mixed media. These include a combination of markers, dry pastels, fine liner, and pencil. The sharp and hard representation of the space are intended to create a feeling of discomfort and awkwardness, experienced in the film. The colours create a cold and unwelcoming atmosphere within the space. Doctor Calligari is positioned to maintain a sense of scale.

Hannah has used a combination of similar media in the Plan View. These include markers, pencil, charcoal and dry pastels. She used pastel and charcoal to express the concrete material that makes up our proposed space. She has presented the spatial elements of the openings with different levels of light, to portray a feel of mystery seen in the film.



Thursday, March 18, 2010

WEEK FOUR: Howard Smith Wharves Site Visit

Today's studio took place at the 'Howard Smith Wharves Site', home of the Story Bridge. To kick off our group assignment me and my fellow team mate, Hannah got our measuring tapes out and put them to work!

Photos of the Site and
Sectional Drawing Location


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WEEK FOUR: Sensory Spaces 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari'

'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari', is a 1920 silent film. It possesses an expressionistic style with a creatively distorted set design.

The following drawings are my personal interpretation of the type of space that Dr. Caligari would occupy. Sensory qualities and spacial effects are portrayed through a combination of pencil, ink fine liner, and rendering markers. Drawings are displayed in both a speculative plan and sectional view, to a scale of 1:20.



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

WEEK THREE: Project 1, Experiencing Threshold HSW

1. Experiencing Threshold HSW: Site Analysis
2. Experiencing Threshold HSW: Folie Ideas

3. Experiencing Threshold HSW: Folie Proposal
